5 amazing changes in the body that occur when you hold your lover's hand tightly

Recently, there was an interesting study on I Heart Intelligence, a U.S. health website. Studies show that holding a lover's hand has a positive effect.

Each person has his or her preferred behavior, such as holding hands or putting his or her arms together when he or she is with her lover. However, the study mentioned positive changes that occur in the body and mind when you hold hands, and after looking at the study, I thought it would be better to join hands with a lover.

"The importance of physical contact is more than you can imagine," said Pablo Goldstein, president of the University of Colorado's Cognitive Response Brain Sciences Institute.

Usually the importance of touch is mentioned a lot in lovers and family relationships. We briefly outlined the five changes that the research team mentioned as important why.

First, it reduces pain.
Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder found that holding hands helped ease the pain.

This is because "personal coordination" caused by physical contact has had a pain relief effect, according to the report. It also leads to stress reduction, relief and so on. The pain shrinks.

It is one of the natural phenomena that a person unconsciously tries to hold someone's hand when he or she feels pain.

Second, it relieves stress.
According to an interview with public broadcaster NPR by Matt Hertestine, a psychology professor at DePo University in Indiana, the stress hormone "Cortisol" decreases when you join hands with someone you love.

In particular, the more the tip of the nerve, the more touching the hand and finger, the better it helps relieve stress.

Third, it eliminates anxiety.
Haven't you ever felt relaxed when you hold your loved one's hand tightly when you feel scared or scared? This feeling has been proven by real research. When the brain is tense, adrenaline comes and cortisol is released.

When high levels of cortisol are released in an instant, the body feels nervous. When you hold your loved one's hand, your nerves return to a stable state.

Neurologists from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Virginia published a study that found "a woman who held her husband's hand in an uneasy state regained psychological stability."

Fourth, credibility rises.
When you hold your loved one's hand, oxytocin increases with the decrease of cortisol. If you increase oxytocin, you will fall in love more and more as you increase your credibility toward the other person.

Fifth, it strengthens the heart.
Holding your loved one's hand will keep your heart healthy, too. "Hand-holds alone can prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, the main causes of heart disease," says American heart doctors Karen Gruen and Bobby Anderson.

Have you read all this? Isn't that interesting? Just holding his/her hand, and there are so many of these changes in his/her body.

I don't think it's just lovers who love them. It could be a friend, it could be a family. As expected, love seems to be there to express. That's why it's important to touch someone you love. Ha ha.
